Comm Tunnel is a FREE software to connect endpoints for Serial Port, TCP/IP or UDP.
System Requirement
- Windows 10
Version Info
- v2.2
Build a tunnel for endpoints (up to 5 endpoints)
Support Serial Port, TCP/IP Server, TCP/IP Client and UDP
Display data format in Text, Hex, Decimal, Text & Hex, and Text & Dec
Enumerate all available serial port on computer
Comm Tunnel Pro
Support more endpoints and Run as Service

How to Use
1. Download CommTunnel.zip and unzip it.
2. Run CommTunnel.exe.
3. Click “Setting” button to set Endpoints respectively. The Endpoint could be a serial port, TCP/IP server, TCP/IP client or UDP.

4. Click “Start” button to connect the Endpoints. The connection status and the transferred data will also be shown in Log Window.

5. Click “Stop” button to disconnect the Endpoints.
Comm Tunnel will save the current status before it close. It will restore the status when it starts.
Comm Tunnel can be added to Windows’ start menu. It can run automatically and start connection immediately after login Windows.
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